Quitting Smoking One Day at a Time...

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It Looks Just as Stupid When You Do It.....or I Do It!

These are some of the pictures from a folder I was given today from the TUPE (Tobacco Usage and Prevention) coordinator... if he only knew! The folder was decorated with lots of smoking animals and truthfully, I did feel kind of silly thinking about a cigarette after looking at it! I am close to 11 months off of that crap and need to keep it that way! Thought I would pass it along! As a former smoker for over THIRTY YEARS, its kind of embarrassing to think I once thought that smoking cigarettes looked cool!  



Landlady of Fat said...

LOL --

Well -- I've had some slippage lately... truth be told...

Gotta get back to zero tolerance.


Anonymous said...

Wow, already almost 11 months. Awesome!!

Chris said...

I might just print that pig picture and stick it on my wall. You're right, because you look at it and think "why would they do that?" "why do I do that"? the whole smoking thing is absurd and I really cannot afford to smoke now.
Much love.
Chris x

lynda w said...

Yeah for eleven months! I just past 10 months. It's great to be a nonsmoker.

Sherri said...

No one ever died from embarrasment, though I'm sure we've all thought we would at one point or another. 11 months is one helluva milestone, Diva! congrats

viagra generic said...

Good message is passing to the people who are chain smoker....

SMith ALan

generic viagra online said...

Smoking should be avoided otherwise it will create problems like lung and throat cancer etc.
