Quitting Smoking One Day at a Time...

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Hey all! I actually made it...a year and one day off cigarettes! I have REALLY wanted one the last couple of days but I keep telling my head, "Thanks for sharing.....it will pass!" I kept remembering the pick of the lady smoking through her neck and pulled it up. It reminds me of the insanity of nicotine addiction! I have kind of resigned myself to the idea that I will probably always think of smoking but I don't have to light one up! I know how sneaky that evil drug Nicotine is....its always waiting for a trigger or a weak moment. Blogging has helped me as much as the Chantix has. I will have to keep posting. I decided to post the picture of the gross smoking neck more for myself than to shock others! Every time I want a cigarette I always think about this! If you are thinking about quitting, it really is worth it! Most of the time, I really do not miss this horrible habit!



Anonymous said...

Yay for you, Diva! I'm so thrilled for you. Such a huge milestone you have made. You have been there for me during my quit, and I am inspired by yours. Hope you do something fun to celebrate today!

Anonymous said...


Sherri said...

Fantabulous, stupendous, magnificent, hallelujah and all that jazz! Way to hang, Diva. It's okay to think about and even want, just talk yourself out of it. You have and I know you will continue. It's a fantastic feeling to celebrate this birthday. Keep breathing smoke free!

Landlady of Fat said...

woot woot! :D

MamaFlo said...

I'm thrilled to see that those of us that really stuck together made it through to the other side!!!

Mz Diva said...

I did go have fun! I went to the Indian Casino near me, ate some good prime rib, lost some money and dealt with second-hand smoke but it didn't really bug me. I saw all my fellow bloggers make it to a year and I knew if I just didn't pick up, I would make a year. I hope to see many more bloggers finding Chantix and support. Thanks for the well wishes all.
PS: Now if I could just get my eating back in check!

Jude said...

Congrats Diva!
Pat yourself on the back.
I was thinking you all day on 11/11. Don't worry about the weight, you will you will lose what you want to in plenty of time, sometimes you gotta have something good.

lynda w said...

So proud of you, Diva! Way to go. I'm right behind you on Dec 4th!

Author said...

!!WHOOT!! Congratulations! Glad you had fun celebrating your anniversary! I'm amazed that our group of bloggers have done so well. I know the support of you and other bloggers has certainly helped me stay quit. Congrats, again!!!

Corbin Dallas said...

Congratulations! I started chantix about 8 days ago and put down the tobacco today, hopefully for good. Im trying to stay motivated by blogging about my own experience. feel free to stop by. http://achantixexperiment.blogspot.com/

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