Quitting Smoking One Day at a Time...

QuitMeter Counter courtesy of www.quitmeter.com.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 11th 2009--Two Years off Cigarettes!!

Man, a lot has changed since I last logged on to my blog.....first off my days off cigarettes counter link disappeared! Oh well, I can go update it later. It has been two years since I have smoked a cigarette...ok, I did try to smoke a flavored cigar once in that time period and I got sick to my stomach. I put it out and haven't looked back since! Don't get me wrong, I still think about a cigarette from time to time......when I get stressed, when I get happy, when I am bored but its just not worth it! I have saved a TON of money, smell better and do not have to try to sneak out and smoking because I am having a nicotine fit! If you are trying to quit, it is possible! I NEVER thought I would be able to do it. Thanks to Chantix, blogging and the supportive friends I made on this journey I feel truly blessed!



Chris said...

hey diva,
just see that you updated a month ago! i sent you an email but you may never have got it.
well done on the 2 years. maybe i will start again one day (start to stop that is ...:-) )
was just looking at my blog, i last posted january 31, and i've been on QUITE A JOURNEY since then. coming to understand and work on my addictive behaviours ... it's been TOUGH TOUGH TOUGH ...
but i will get there.
be great to hear from you. hear what you've been up to without a cigarette in your hand ....
C x

Unknown said...

Nice blog share. I like post.