Quitting Smoking One Day at a Time...

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Over three years....but who is counting?

It has been awhile since I have posted...my goal starting this blog was to give me something to do with my hands when I quit smoking. I am beginning to think I should have never stopped blogging and I thinking about revising this blog and starting again...blogging is good for the soul.....anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I still am smoke free and living life. I hope that is if anyone is thinking about quitting, they go ahead and do it. Its the best thing I ever did!


Sherri said...

hells yeah Diva! I've been waiting for your return. I have just a few more days and I too will be 3 years tobacco free. What a wonderful feeling it is. :-) sending much love your way

Konstantin said...

Oh, wow, SO GOOD to hear this! I am so deeply and thoroughly happy and excited to know you have been strong enough to leave that s*** behind. Way to go! And yes, blogging is good for the soul, so I'll watch out for more posts from you! <3

Chris said...

just visited my old blog and thought i'd catch up with you and say hi and well done.
i'm still puffing away ...
life has taken bizzare turns the past year, good to see that you're well. you should blog again, let me know if you start a new one
Chris x

Author said...

Congrats! I was going through my list of blogs today to catch up. Of course, I get to hear all about what's going with you on FB, so I don't feel deprived.

Chantix said...

I also used chantix and now i am smoke free. I don,t have any problem.
It,s FDA approved.