Quitting Smoking One Day at a Time...

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Got Past the Hardcore Cravings Last Night...81 days on Chantix, 71 days off Cigarettes!

Fellow quitters....
You guys are the best and so supportive! I must say the quitting is still one of the hardest things I have ever done. I got the e-mail from Chantix congratulating me on my accomplishment and that I would be receiving e-mails only twice a week now on. I cannot believe it has been over the 12 week mark for me! What a gift! Even with the stress and cravings and tuggings, this is something I still want! I know if you really want something, you have to work for it and it does not always come easy.

I went to my cousin's "Happy F*CK%I#G! 48th birthday celebration last night. It was a huge turn-out. People that she has known since like the 7th grade were there. I was so glad to see her have so many people that she loves and love her show up to celebrate. Unfortunately, many of these people smoke! You guys knew how bad I was craving before I left. Its weird because when I started smelling the smoke when I went out so see various groups of people, it smelled good for a few seconds and then started to just gross me out! I am still really amazed and blown away at this phenomena. I am glad that I asked my doctor and he agreed to extend my use of the drug for a bit longer. Again, I am much grateful for all the support and even get to give it back sometimes.


lynda w said...

I am so proud of you. I knew you could do it!

Unknown said...

Diva I quit a couple of days behind you. i know longer take the chantix,but so glad you ddecided to stay on it, and that you are staying smoke free. sorry you are feeling lousy.

MamaFlo said...

Way to Go Diva!!
Actually, being around people that smoke make me feel even better about my decision to quit.
There will still be "tuggings" every now and again but they will hardly last in length and intensity.
Stay Quit!

Author said...

Great job getting past those cravings! Giving in is about the worse thing you can do to help out your stress level. One thing I've noticed since I quit is that I used smoking to deter stress and anger, but what I needed to do was actually learn how to deal with it. Actually dealing with my emotions -- anger, stress, etc, has been SO much more beneficial for me.

Best of luck, and keep staying strong.

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Mz Diva! I remember getting that email from the GetQuit folks and being amazed it had been that long, too. You are awesome!