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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Last Weekend Before Returning to Work Monday!

Well, here it is....my last weekend before I return to work. I cannot believe that I have been off for three weeks and didn't really go anywhere or do much of anything! What I did do was completely recover and take care of my health! I feel SO much better! I can breath again, I am no longer coughing and am off the steroids! Hell, the break-outs from the steroids even went away. I had dental work done and will work on my exercise and dieting. From this experience, I realize that without my health, other things become not very important. It took me a month to get better and now that I am better, I hope I will continue to realize how fragile life is and to live every day like its my last.

Have a great weekend everyone!


MamaFlo said...

Sounds to me like you've had a very productive time away from work. Seriously Diva, you've done more in 3 weeks than most people do in a years time. Congratulate yourself!!
Return to work as a new woman!

Anonymous said...

You sound really awesome and in great spirits, so I'd say that you did a lot in 3 weeks! I'm still crabby from my last 3 weeks at work and trying not to be ;)

Homestead Blogging said...

Good luck to you on your first day back to work! I hope that the "new you" enjoys every minute of your healthier body.

Keep up the great work, you're doing awesome!

Author said...

Well, it seems I'm reading this post a little bit late. Best of luck today!!!