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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Video of Fitcamp Day Two

Fitcamp is kicking my behind....literally! We have been doing non-stop circuit training and most of the campers were extremely sore! After the workout with Jacob (above in the video) I went home and collapsed! After my nap, it was time to eat lunch and then back to the gym where we had an hour treadmill workout! Isabeau showed us a way to work out on a treadmill that I would have NEVER thought possible! Imagine doing pushups and pullups on a treadmill! I had a bit of an asthma episode from the cardio but took some medicine and was fine. I feel better and stronger after each workout. For those looking to see the full series, feel free to log onto Jimmy's Livin La Vida Low carb youtube page. The address is: http://youtube.com/livinlowcarbman

Gotta run...we must eat every three hours and it is that time!



Chris said...

Sounds erm ... fun? my comment from yesterday didn't appear!
At least you get naps - probably need them.
Chris x

Author said...

The video isn't loading for me :-(

I'm glad it's kicking your butt! Seriously, this camp sounds great and I'm so happy you're doing it. Keep going strong.

I replied back to you on my blog about Trim Up Tuesday, and how to get the template. Let me know if you have questions

Mz Diva said...

You can go Jimmy's site at http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog
and they are all up there. I will post later tonite....I need to get out of the hotel room before I go stir crazy!

Anonymous said...

Have fun! Sounds like you are learning a lot.