Quitting Smoking One Day at a Time...

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

TAPERING off Chantix and other stuff...

Hi all:
Just thought I would post a quick blog to let you know how my tapering is going. Some days its really ok and other days when I get stressed I notice additional anxiety. I don't know if its because I am not taking the second pill or because I am going through a lot of life changes. I expected to have anxiety when I completely went off Chantix because I am a person who has naturally high levels of anxiety or can be on the high strung side when I am stressed! I am really chill for the most part and I think I brainwashed my self into thinking that smoking really helped me cope with stressful situations so how bad could it be for me? That was one of the big excuses I clung to so I could justify not quitting! The way I see it, I just need to incorporate something natural into my life to help me deal with stress in a more productive manner. Exercise is supposed to be really helpful in dealing with stress and keeping people on a more even keel without the use of chemicals. Just to let you all know, I am gearing up for next weeks trim down Tuesday. I will definetly have a slower start than I thought because I threw out my back and could not get an appointment with my chiropractor until Monday. Hope all is well with everyone! Send me some messages peeps!


MamaFlo said...

Diva, you'll do fine with the taper off Chantix just don't concentrate on the fact that you aren't smoking and you are taking less of the Chantix.
You have to keep yourself busy and you have to understand that you are no longer addicted to nicotine what you're addicted to are the triggers that made you smoke. You can change how you react to the triggers and always have a piece of gum to stick in your mouth when you "think" you want a cigarette. YOU DON'T REALLY WANT A CIGARETTE.
We're here for you girlfriend!!

lynda w said...

I think Mamaflo said it best. When I get the urge to light up, I just tell myself that there is no way that I ever want to have to start over. Good luck, you're doing great!

Anonymous said...

Ditto and ditto what MamaFlo and Lynda already said ;)

You are doing great, and you'll be just fine. It really does keep getting easier to push aside those little thoughts that come (even if they still do come sometimes).

Author said...

It's probably a combination of stress & one less pill. You're doing great! Sorry about your back. Trim up Tuesday is about more than exercise, it's your health in general. So just find a way to be a little healthier this week if you can do nothing else. Rest up, I hope you feel better!

Author said...

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