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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday Thirteen...What the Hell, I Might as Well Try it!

Canda Rocks! 13 Things I like about the Country and the People!

I saw MamaFlo's Thirteen Thursday and decided to do one on Travel also. Instead of doing Thirteen different trips, I decided that I would post thirteen different pictures of my trip to Vancouver and Victoria Canada and talk about why I think the country is so cool! Canada is one of the most beautiful places in the world and I wouldn't mind living there. There is tons of nature to be found as well as a big city to explore. People are really opened minded and cool and the overall attitude is pretty much live and let live.

Here Goes....I think I am going to have to do this in increments and hopefully one of you will tell me an easier way to do this at a later date!

1.) I really like that nature is everywhere in this city! You will see birds and other wildlife right in the middle of the city! I was near the harbor and was so close to this seagull I could have reached out and touched it!

2.) There are amazing bridges all over this country! I am finally goint to post a picture of myself walking across one of the huge swing bridges that can be found in the forest and parks.

3.) Here is another type of bridge that is used as a highway from one side of the city to the other!

1 comment:

lynda w said...

I would love to go to Canada someday. I love the outdoors and think that a trip around the forest on a swing bridge would be just my kind of thing - with a bit of dramamine before hand, of course.

It's nice to put a face to a name. Thanks for sharing your picture with us!