Quitting Smoking One Day at a Time...

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Off to the "House of Fear for XMAS Day...

I am still smoke and nicotine free! What a great Christmas gift! I did not appreciate it in the first few days or even weeks like I do today. The 11th of January will be two months (over 60 days) I still can't believe it! Thanks to Chantix and all of the support I have been given. By reading a lot of blogs and seeing people in my life relapse, I realize how much easier it is to stay quit then to relapse and try to get back on track. My resolve is to not pick up a cigarette for any reason! Its funny, I still need support! I am going back to the quit smoking program at Kaiser on January 10th. I think its good to give back. When I first enrolled, I saw one guy who quit through Chantix and he was my biggest inspiration. Part of what made me able to quit was seeing that other people had done it and were actually SANE after putting cigarettes down.

Today is my last steroid pill and I am off to my cousin's house to celebrate. My cousin also quit smoking quite awhile ago but most of my family and a lot of friends that will be there have not. I will just remember to stay in the house. There is no need to go outside or to the garage. It is really windy today so that helps seal the decision to stay inside. I need to bring that asthma pump with me just in case! It should be a great day. My cousin just moved to a new place with her significant other. Her ex-husband and the kids and grand kid still celebrate the holidays together. Tons of friends show up too. It is cool to celebrate with my first, second, and third cousins all in the same place. The ham I baked last night came out great.

I wish everyone a fantastic Christmas and may all of your Chantix dreams come true!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your Christmas!

lynda w said...

Merry Christmas and best of luck!

Author said...

Congrats!!! I'm so glad you're feeling better, and still going strong as a non-smoker. Merry Christmas!